Course Details
It’s time to step things up a bit. We build on what the kids learnt in Robotics I with some cool attachments that help your robot interact the with environment. Topics include
- - Sensors
- - Advanced Programming
- - Calibration
- - Engineering Process
- - Final Challenge
Age: Children must be at least 8 years old to participate in this course
Pre-requisite courses: Robotics I
Day 1
- - Introduction to the different types of Sensors.
- - Importance of Sensation and Perception.
- - Understand how different sensors work including the ultrasonic. sensors, touch sensors, colour sensors and gyroscope.
- - Application of the different sensors.
- - Apply knowledge gained to practical challenges.
Day 2
- - Introduction to Flow Control, Loops, Conditions and Multitasking.
- - Incorporate new techniques into challenges.
Day 3
- - Understand the purpose of calibration and how to perform the function
- - Calibrating our Light Sensors and Motors.
- - Introduction to Data Logging.
Day 4
- - Introduction to the seven steps of the Scientific Process.
- - Using your Robot to solve a problem incorporating the Engineering Process.
Day 5
- - Our final challenge will bring everything the kids have learnt and put them to the ultimate test!
Uncle Hayden has over 20 years experience in the field of electronics and computer science. He has attained certification in Telephony and Communications and is MCP certified. Uncle Hayden joined the Wepala family in 2017 and is an avid fan of the EV3 Robots. He especially enjoys working with kids, as they offer a blank canvas with which to work. "Uninhibited and free to think..."